27 NOVEMBER 2022
Top 3 Most Common Makeup Mistakes To Avoid
While there isn’t a right or wrong method to apply makeup, there are several frequent blunders that may be avoided. As a novice makeup artist, you might require some assistance in comprehending the rationale behind the unbreakable principles of makeup.
No skin preparation
- Although I’m not a huge believer of using a primer under your foundation, properly preparing your skin is essential for making sure that your makeup lasts. You need to understand your skin and what it requires because not every moisturizer will work best for you. You must wait for the moisturizer (primer) to properly permeate into your skin after applying it. You will mix these two products if you apply foundation immediately after doing your makeup and you won’t get the full moisturizing effect.
Concealer Creases Under The Eye
- Nothing is more annoying than having perfectly applied makeup and having your concealer wrinkle. The best preventative measure is to avoid applying foundation under your eyes. Your concealer will inevitably wrinkle due to the product bill of materials. In addition to foundation, there are other elements that could make your concealer crease. Using a creamy concealer that is very dense can result in significant creasing.
Blend Your Makeup
- You must mix your makeup if you want it to appear smooth. The results of your cosmetics application will be ruined by an uneven face. Using the cosmetics brush you used to apply your makeup is the simplest approach to ensure that it looks flawless.