09 DECEMBER 2020

My Micellar Cleansing water is finished and instead of buying my regular micellar water, I thought would give the Simple Skin a try. When it comes to me removing my makeup my approach is carefully calculated.

With overly sensitive skin, my routine in removing my makeup has to accommodate any acne that is currently living on my face. For years I have been using the Gerinare micellar water for sensitive skin.
Used the Simple Skincare last night read more to see my thoughts.

I genuinely love the approach to the skin of this brand. Its clean beauty but there is skincare science in their ingredients.
By that I mean they use acids eg. there is a use of Vitamin B3 and
Vitamin C. Every ingredient that was used helps your skin to look and feel better.

On these masked filled days, I don’t pack on the foundation and concealer. So I don’t know how it will perform when I apply heavy makeup. So far I find the Micellar water vert light and fragrance-free.
I don’t use a cotton pad to remove my makeup, but I opt for using a microfibre. I find the cotton pads not accomodating my hypersensitive skin.

Garnier Micellar water and the simple skin miller water remove makeup at the same level. When it comes to the eye makeup the simple skin doesn’t do the job quite right. I have to go in twice to remove the excess makeup left.

In terms of the pocket, it’s so affordable just only R44 and you get 200 uses. You can buy this product at dis – chem. There are other little bits I would like to incorporate into my skincare routine in time.

For now, I will keep on using this product for the rest of the month and will be sure to give you ladies a recap.

simple skin micellar water
Simple Skin